WLV bietet Ihnen Unterstützung bei Ihren Exporten, egal ob Sie am Beginn Ihrer Exportaktivitäten stehen oder nur aus Kapazitätsgründen Unterstützung benötigen. Langjährige Erfahrung in der Projektabwicklung vom Einkauf bis zur Dokumenteneinreichung inklusive Logistik und den erforderlichen Kontakten zu Finanzierungsstellen und Behörden ermöglichen es auch komplette Projekte abzuwickeln.
WLV bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Marktanalyse für Ihre Produkte als Komplettlösung oder in Form individuell benötigter Module. In welcher Branche Sie auch tätig sind -falls Sie eine fundierte Überprüfung Ihrer Produkte sowie deren Erfolgspotential auf dem Markt benötigen, ohne damit Ihre täglichen innerbetrieblichen Routinen, Planungsressourcen und Personalkosten belasten zu müssen - dann ist WLV Ihr Partner.
Regardless of whether you stand at the beginning of your export activities or whether you just need support for capacity reasons, WLV is your well-experienced partner. With our long-standing experience in project-management, including purchasing, logistics, document preparation and presentation and highly efficient contacts for financing places and authorities, we will realise complete projects for you.
WLV's market analysis is offered to you either as an all-inclusive complete solution package or as a single module system, tailored to your particular requirements.
No matter which market you want to enter, WLV is your competent partner for an intensive discussion of your products and their approval, as well as the potential of the market. WLV offers solutions away from your daily routine, without impairing the personnel expenditure or the operational workflow of your enterprise.
Our many years of market experience means that WLV can support your sale endeavours very efficiently. Our many years of market experience means that WLV can support your sale endeavours very efficiently. As well as experience of introducing new products to market, WLV provides good contacts with enterprises and institutions both at home and abroad as well as co-operation with global consulting firms, thus opening new possibilities in foreign countries.
WLV will represent you itself or will support you in the search for a qualified partner.